Tuesday, September 18, 2007

I'm off....

Well, I am sitting in Philadelphia and at this time tomorrow I will be heading on my way to Amsterdam, then eventually to Nairobi on the 20th. I finished my staging classes today, which were pretty informative, get also somewhat nerve-wracking. I guess the reality of my adventure is really starting to hit home, which is a good thing. I am very excited but nervous for it all. It has been a lot of fun meeting all of the different people that I will be training with for the next 10 weeks. We are a very diverse bunch from all over, different ages, with different stories, so I am excited to get to know them better. We had a lot of fun putting together skits, drawings, etc. I had my last American meal tonight, and just picked off each others plates to try everything before we left. It's crazy to think that I am actually leaving tomorrow... I really appreciate everyone's support as I am heading off. The encouragement has really blessed me, so thanks.

I will update more about the adventure when I arrive in Nairobi. We will be there for a few days before heading to our training site.

Safe journeys and I will be writing soon... as long as I can find an internet cafe. Wish me luck!


The Bestest's said...

oh my gosh - i am so excited for you! can't wait to hear more!!!! seriously - amazing things - kid you are going to do amazing things!

marySue said...


Hopefully you have arrived in Africa by now,today is Friday.Sounds like the journey has been busy.Your mom sent me theRI pic ,they were great.looks like lots of fun was had by all.I am sending off a big box of toothbrushes to Alex this weekend.
We look forward to hearing from you re:your future needs for your class room.We will remain in touch.Thank you for setting up this blog.It will be so helpful to you and us..do not want to miss any good info :)..tata for now ..love MST

Madeleine said...

Hope you're enjoying your host family and your new training classes. We can't wait to hear your news!

The Bestest's said...

agreed! can't wait to hear - and hope all is well!